Special Issue on GI in the ASE journal
Authors of accepted papers are invited to submit their extended work to the Special Issue on Genetic Improvement to be published in the Automated Software Engineering journal.
Genetic Improvement is the application of evolutionary and search-based optimisation methods to the improvement of existing software. It has been used to improve both software functional properties, such as fixing bug or performing automated code transplantation, and software non-functional properties, such as minimising execution time, memory usage, or energy consumption.
We invite submissions that discuss recent developments in all areas of research on, and applications of, Genetic Improvement. Topics of interest include both the theory and practice of Genetic Improvement. Applications of GI include, but are not limited to:
- Improve runtime efficiency
- Decrease memory consumption
- Decrease energy consumption
- Transplant new functionality
- Specialise software
- Generate multiple versions of software
- Improve low level or binary code
- Use of AI/large language models with GI
- Repair bugs
- GI techniques in industrial settings
Key Dates and Submission Details
Submission: Here at Springer
Submissions should follow the usual ASE submission guidelines.
The Submission link will be anounced on the ASE journal’s website.
Oliver Krauss received his doctorate in 2022 in Pattern Mining and Genetic Improvement in Compilers and Interpeters. His research focuses on mining patterns in software, as well as data, to improve runtime performance and energy consumption. He maintains several open source frameworks, such as Amaru).
Vesna Nowack. Since she gained her PhD in Software Engineering in 2016 from the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya in Barcelona, she has conducted research in supercomputing (Spain) and taught robotics in Germany. Her recent research has been on APR in the UK, including 12 months with Bloomberg (London) published this summer as “On the Introduction of Automatic Program Repair in Bloomberg” by IEEE Software. She is now a Senior Research Assistant at Lancaster University where she continues her work on using GI to automatically fix bugs.
Justyna Petke is a Principal Research Fellow and Proleptic Associate Professor, conducting research in genetic improvement. She is at the Centre for Research on Evolution, Search and Testing at University College London. Her work on genetic improvement was awarded a Silver (GECCO 2014) and a Gold ’Humie’ (GECCO 2016) and an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ISSTA 2015. She was the PC co-Chair for the International Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering in 2017. She also organised 9 Genetic Improvement Workshops. She currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Systems and Software, Empirical Software Engineering, Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Automated Software Enigineering and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence journals.