
This is a community website on Genetic Improvement.
In practice this means two things: first, that no single person is really responsible for maintaining it, especially regarding pages that are by nature incomplete (e.g., the list of GI tools or the living survey) or potentially subjective (e.g., the GI success stories). And second, that anyone, from student to professor, from researcher to practitioner, is very welcome to contribute improving it.

This website is hosted on GitHub on a public repository. It uses GitHub Pages for hosting, which in turns uses Jekyll for page generation, markdown for formatting, and finally liquid for content automatisation. Feel free to use GitHub to open issue tickets, fork the repository, and submit pull requests. Alternatively, you can also directly contact us.

Examples of welcomed contributions

Even the smallest of contribution will help the website and through it help the GI field altogether.
While not limited to the following, do not hesitate to:

How to contribute

This section provides a short step-by-step on how to clone the repository and run Jekyll locally. This can be particularly helpful when updating or contributing new content without having to wait for GitHub processing or alter the website live version with temporary incomplete modifications.

Hosting the website locally

Before anything, make sure you have Ruby installed, which should come (since Ruby version 1.9) by default with RubyGem, the Ruby third-party packaging tool. You will need to install Jekyll and the jekyll-seo-tag gem and clone the repository before you can finally host the website locally.

# setup
gem install jekyll
gem install jekyll-seo-tag
git clone
# host
cd geneticimprovementofsoftware
jekyll serve

Jekyll should tell you which exact address to use, presumably
Note that while hosting any page you are modifying will automatically regenerated.

You can now commit and push your modifications. If you enable GitHub Pages on your own fork, you should be able to check the result live at the address https://{YOUR_USERNAME} However for it to properly work you will also need to: (on your own fork ONLY)

  1. delete the CNAME file (otherwise GitHub will email you a warning every push)
  2. modify the baseurl attribute in _config.yml to /geneticimprovementofsoftware to make absolute links work (this will also change the local host address to

We recommend you to put these in a separate commit, that you will need to rebase away before any pull request or push upstream. Better even, configure GitHub Pages to target a branch different from master, and ensure that these two modifications are NEVER merged. See “Reordering Commits” knowing that rewriting history, as long as it is done locally, or forcibly to a branch not meant to be cloned, is perfectly acceptable and even good practice.

Recommended process:

# first go to your GitHub Pages branch
git checkout serve
# run jekyll
jekyll serve
# modify the website, and check the local version in your browser
# when you're happy, add the modified files
# and commit
git commit -m "COMMIT_MESSAGE"
# rebase the aforementioned commit on top of the history (just reorder the lines)
git rebase -i master
# check that the order is correct (and note the id of the commit up to which to merge)
git log --graph --oneline --all
# you can now force-push the GitHub Pages branch
git push origin serve --force
# after waiting for GitHub to update, double-check in your browser
# go back to the master branch
git checkout master
# merge your modifications (BUT NOT THAT ONE COMMIT)
# and push
git push origin master
# your fork is now ready for a pull request or an upstream merge

Useful resources